Upholstery fabric stock reduction SALE happening NOW.

Up to 70% off!!!

Call or come by to find out more...

New Address:

551 SW 4th Street

Corvallis, OR 97333

Serving Corvallis, OR

and Surrounding Areas

The Foam Man logo

Are you sitting "in" your couch

instead of "on" it?

We can help!




The Foam Man

The Foam Man


Corvallis, OR

and surrounding areas

Call for More Information or to Schedule an Appointment

Holiday Hours

Main Phone: (541) 754-9378

Do you want to be a supplier of our products or know someone who does? Contact us today to talk about your companies or customers foam needs!

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Contact Form

Please fill out this short form and we'll contact you shortly. 

Where to Find Our Fine Foam and Foam Products

For marine/boat canvas or boat upholstery needs, contact:

Canvas Enclosures Now at (541) 368-8664

For other upholstery-type sewing needs, contact:

Jolly Fabrications at (206) 305-6249 or lesley@jollyfab.com

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