Upholstery fabric stock reduction SALE happening NOW.

Up to 70% off!!!

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New Address:

551 SW 4th Street

Corvallis, OR 97333

Serving Corvallis, OR

and Surrounding Areas

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Are you sitting "in" your couch

instead of "on" it?

We can help!


Warranty Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability


The Foam Man

Unless otherwise specified, all products are sold as is, and no guarantee will be made concerning the performance of products on this website nor any and or all linked websites, regardless of any existing manufacturers’ warranty. The Foam Man, it’s related partnerships and suppliers, or the partners agents, employees thereof, will not have any liability to anyone for incidental or consequential damages or any other liability, loss or damage arising out of or related to provided products and services. This disclaimer by The Foam Man does not in any way affect the terms of a manufacturer's warranty should there be one. In no event shall The Foam Man's total liability to you for any/all damages, losses and causes of action (whether in contract, tort [including, but not limited to, negligence] or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, to The Foam Man for the specific merchandise at issue.

Product purchase suggestions:

Purchase recommendations, including but not limited to foam, fabrics, and other goods, are only suggestions and are made with the understanding that there are multiple variables unique to each customers’ situation that may affect results. We will make every effort to suggest the best product(s) for an application as described, but these suggestions should not be viewed as a guarantee of performance. Recommendations for foam, fabric or other products made by The Foam Man and its employees should be taken as a suggestion. 

Price, Shipping, and Availability Changes:

Prices, shipping, and availability are subject to change without prior notice. We reserve the right to make changes to our site, services, and/or products without notice. This may be due to market conditions, discontinuation of products, typographical, photographic, or technical errors on our website. If you have ordered a product that is subject to a price or shipping increase, we will hold your order and inform you of the increase before it ships.

Errors and omissions:

We try to ensure that the information provided on our website, as well as through email and/or verbal communication, is accurate and up to date, however prices, availability, and information are prone to human error, and unannounced supplier-based changes. Estimates may vary from final invoices due to the aforementioned factors, thus cannot be considered accurate nor binding. Any price changes will be brought to the customer’s attention before or at the time of invoicing. Payment of the invoice constitutes understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions. 

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