Upholstery fabric stock reduction SALE happening NOW.

Up to 70% off!!!

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551 SW 4th Street

Corvallis, OR 97333

Serving Corvallis, OR

and Surrounding Areas

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Are you sitting "in" your couch

instead of "on" it?

We can help!


Fabrics, Supplies, & more...


The Foam Man

Looking for..

Fabric, leather, canvas, upholstery supplies, tools, and parts.

Need something else? Check here!



Fabrics specially designed for commercial, healthcare and hospitality.



Fabrics for home or office, “Exclusive and inspiring designs”.

Greenhouse Fabrics

Fabric, from designer to multi-purpose these have the "upholstery and interior design trade" in mind.

Charlotte Fabrics

With "over 10,000 fabrics" to choose from, including vinyl and leather.


Fabrics for indoor & outdoor upholstery, marine, and umbrella and shading. Sunbrella® is a registered trademark of Glen Raven, Inc.

United Fabrics

Fabric, faux leather, real leather; “thousands of fabric options with a broad palette of design, color and texture.”

Fabric, Supplies & more


B&H Upholstery

A “full line of automotive, marine and furniture fabrics, and supplies.” For professionals and project adventurers alike.

Royal Upholstery

Fabric, vinyl, tools, and more. Everything you need to do-it-yourself.

Found what you want? Contact us!

Need someone else to do it?

Try Here...

For slip-covers, pillows, cushion covers, and other upholstery-type sewing needs.

Jolly Fabrications


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