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New Address:

551 SW 4th Street

Corvallis, OR 97333

Serving Corvallis, OR

and Surrounding Areas

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Are you sitting "in" your couch

instead of "on" it?

We can help!


Health Professionals

Foam for Health Professionals

Foam Products for Medical Professionals

The Foam Man provides chiropractors, therapists, doctors, and other healthcare specialists with the right foam-based products and aids for their specific areas of medical practice. We offer high-quality foam products for many medical uses, including post-surgery recovery, sleeping problems, driving comfort, pain reduction and body support.

Stock up on the medical and therapy aids now by contacting The Foam Man. We're glad to help with all your needs and answer any questions about custom sizes or products. Contact us today for more information.

Our locally owned family business has been based in Corvallis, OR since 1985.

Find Out About These and Other Great Products

  • Knee lifts
  • Lumbar and cervical rolls
  • Walker pad replacements
  • Wedges for beds and cars
  • Wheelchair inserts
  • And more

Call for more information

Get your FREE estimate today!

(541) 754-9378

(541) 754-9378

"Awesome expertise and service and doesn't smell like plastic/foam since they use very high quality products from Portland."

- Grant via Google

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